Friday, 25 March 2011

Cell Phone Unlocking- The ins and outs

Okay where to begin....

We will start from why.

WHY your Cellphone is locked;

It is locked because your carrier has it locked. The reason that they want it locked is so you do not cancel the contract and switch to a different provider. Basically what the carrier thinks is that if the phone is locked, then you won't want to buy a new device just to switch providers. It is a mechanism to discourage you from switching carriers. However, most phones are unlockable for a low price thus if you have been wronged by your carrier don't hesitate to leave if possible.

So what is unlocking you ask?

As you may have guessed, unlocking means to remove the restrictions on your phone so you can use it on other carriers. Pretty much you are breaking your carriers hold on your phone. However, you CAN unlock your phone and still keep using your current carrier.
To sum up what unlocking is,a phone that was once locked to a single carrier is now compatible with all carriers of its kind.

The benefits of Unlocking your Blackberry or Cell phone. 

As mentioned above, you now can take your phone to another provider. Say you have blackberry bold 9000, locked to rogers, but you want to use it on fido, then you can unlock it and take it to fido. You can carry your phone from plan to plan or network to network by simply inserting different sim cards in it.
Also if you are traveling it can save you 100's literally. Instead of paying for roaming charges you can buy a local pay as you go simcard and use the service in the country you are visiting.

Thanks for reading, I hope I have cleared some questions up, if not then feel free to leave a comment and I will answer your questions!.

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